3 Feb 2023

Our websites make a measurable difference

With our user centred process, the websites that we create generate more sales, more engagement, more contact submissions, more donations and more returning visitors. Whatever your metrics for client success are, we will design and build a website to make a measurable difference for you.

How do you define success?

In order to make improvements, we need to know how you define the success of your website. We mentioned a few examples above – do you define success through generating profit from higher sales/donations? Or is your view of success data driven, with you seeking out more visitors and higher engagement rates? 

Figuring out what success means to you is an essential step in ensuring your website makes a measurable difference. We’ll help you to determine exactly what you want to achieve, so that we can carve a strategy and build a website that makes an impact, attracts your target audience, and achieves its purpose.

What is your competition doing?

Another key process in creating a successful website is to identify your top competitors and analyse their websites. By understanding their strengths and weakness, and how they are positioning themselves, this knowledge will allow you to:

  • Identify gaps in the market
  • Understand what appeals to your target audience
  • Apply new ideas to your own website
  • Ensure your website, marketing and services really stand out above the crowd

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t ignore what your competitors are doing, especially when they’re only a few clicks away. A good analysis can give you an insight into multiple opportunities available to you – for example by targeting areas you feel other businesses under-perform in, or areas they are failing to meet user needs, you can gain a strong competitive advantage.

Designed to deliver results

From initial wireframes through to the final build, we will ensure your website is positioned to deliver results.

Utilising our 4-step process, we use real user insights to inform our UX and UI design, allowing us to build a website that is user focused and gives you a greater return on investment.

We craft high quality, bespoke designs and develop them using best practice code – but we know this isn’t all it takes to ensure a website is engaging, accessible and working hard for your business. From professional photography to effective copywriting and search engine optimisation, we can produce or advise you on the best content to make you stand out.

If it looks like you have invested real time and money into your website, users often correlate this with you investing time, money and effort into your product or service. Which of course, you have!

Website maintenance

Once your website launches, it’s important to agree a maintenance package, right? Wrong! At Made with Maturity, we believe that website maintenance actually moves your site backwards…

If you’re only maintaining where you’re at, and your competitors are taking steps forward, or your audience needs change, then you will be left behind if your website isn’t progressing to keep up. What makes more sense to us is a website progression plan, where we’ll test your new site with real users – allowing them to give feedback using similar tools that we use in our UX research stage. Their feedback on how well we have met their needs is then used to make improvements to the website to increase its performance and enhance its long-term success.

So, if you’re looking for a website that makes a measurable difference, then please get in touch and let us help.

Let us help you with your next digital project
Why the trees?
So what does a forest of trees have to do with UX web design? It’s not that weird – take a look at how we see it.